Don't use Poetry, if you don't have to.

(, en)

In my brain the title translates to »basically never use Python Poetry«. But why?

Python Poetry is a neat tool. It fixes the majority of dependency issues, adds some bells and whistles at the side and seems to be “hip”. But my gut says: just don’t. Huh? »Why?« I might ask back, but the thing with gut feelings is that you cannot really get this question answered. I need to find the answer in a different way.

Let the search begin.

A good starting point is »Why not tell people to “simply” use pyenv, poetry or anaconda«. It outlines some major reasons for avoiding it, for me the two main reasons are:

Additionally, it sometimes feels as if Poetry is trying to fix problems I did not have in the first place. Honestly, I cannot remember where the requirements specs in requirements.txt or pyproject.toml were not enough. Very strange to say this as the best practice is:

In building your Python application and its dependencies for production, you want to make sure that your builds are predictable and deterministic. – pip-tools README

So I question myself: do I? I’m not so sure. Probably not. To make it bold:

It is not essential to have .lock file for your application or library in production. Most Java applications don’t use it and a fairly large percentage of the world’s production code is based on Java & Maven.

The alternative: my standard setup

I conclude: it is sufficient to keep a normal requirements.txt (or pyproject.toml) with versions pinned to the minor version or whatever suits you. The default ingredients are

Python packages

If possible I try to group my code (even if it is only for internal use) into Python packages. I use a fairly standard combination of pyproject.toml

and .flake8 config. Of course you can also use ruff as drop-in replacement for Flake8, isort, and Black. I’ve noticed that in small projects it doesn’t matter that much.

I have a slight aversion to pre-commit, so I skip it. The aversion stems from the belief that developers should be able to choose their own workflow. All sorts of pre-commits, hooks, etc. work against that. My workflow falls into the category: first make a mess, then make it clean. Having my messy commits checked against all types of syntax and formatting rules slows me down. Instead I usually »refactor« my commits before I create a PR. So I don’t use hooks or pre-commits. I put everything into a Makefile:

(for a more sophisticated Python Makefile check out »Managing your Python project with a Makefile«

Setup for a (web)app

Even simpler here, I use requirements.txt with .flake8 and pyproject.toml (for Black settings) orchestrated by a Makefile in a virtual environment.
