Java Testing with Mockito & Assertj

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I always forget them. Usually no problem, because you have plenty of examples in your current project. But what if you change clients?



Junit5 & Mockito

public class MonkeyServiceTest {

  @Mock(answer = Answers.RETURNS_SMART_NULLS)
  ForestService forestService;

  MonkeyService monkeyService;

  Config config = ConfigFactory.load();

  // capture args for classes with nested type parameters
  ArgumentCaptor<List<Monkey>> monkeyCaptor;

  void shouldEatBanana() {

    // void with retrieving temp file contents
    ArrayList<String> content = new ArrayList<>();
    doAnswer(i -> {
      Path f = i.getArgument(1, Path.class);
      return null;
    }).when(forestService).write(any(), any());

    when(forestService.setArea(any(AreaRequest.class), any())).then(invocation -> {
          // ...
          return null;
    final ArgumentCaptor<String> contentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
    final ArgumentCaptor<String> treeCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
    verify(forestService, times(1)).shakeTree(treeCaptor.capture(), contentCaptor.capture());
  // ...

Assert exceptions

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatThrownBy;

assertThatThrownBy(() -> monkeyService.getMonkey(id)).isInstanceOf(NoRainforestException.class);

Assert static methods

Activate required Mockito extension:

mkdir -p src/test/resources/mockito-extensions
echo mock-maker-inline > src/test/resources/mockito-extensions/org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker

In the test:

try (MockedStatic<TimeProvider> mockedTimeProvider = mockStatic(TimeProvider.class)) {
    .thenReturn(LocalDateTime.of(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1));
